First public release of SODAS2
ASSO - Analysis System
of Symbolic Official data - started in January
2001 and ran for 36 months as part of the European Union Fifth
framework Research and Development program in the Information
Society Technology strand, number IST-2000-25161.
ASSO offers methods, methodology and
software tools for the analysis of multidimensional complex
data (numerical or non numerical) coming from databases
in statistical offices and administrations using Symbolic
Data Analysis. For more information, see "Objectives",
"Feature" an "Scientific
background" pages.
ASSO was based around nine working
groups ("Workpackages")
with the participation of fifteen partners ("Consortium").
ASSO resulting software is called
SODAS2 ("SODAS2 software").
It it an improved version of the SODAS software developed
in the previous SODAS
project following users requests. This new software
is more operational and attractive. It also proposes new innovative
methods and demonstrates that the underlying techniques meet
the needs of statistical offices.
ASSO contributes to "Disseminations
activities" such as workshops or participation
in conferences. A network of statisticians and researchers
("Research group")
and a group of users ("User
Group") are working on the subject. Both publish
in the "JSDA Journal"
dedicated to the Symbolic Data Analysis.