5th International Workshop on Business/IT Alignment and Interoperability (BUSITAL 2010) - June 7th 2010
NEW : BUSITAL'10 proceedings are now available here
Scope and Purpose
Organizations are today becoming more and more dependent on their information systems and IT-based support systems to realize their business strategies, building value networks with partners, and managing their resources effectively. But ensuring that their IT investments are well aligned is not easy. Such alignment is a critical “early stage” activity to understand how information systems contribute to business strategy and to set directions for the development and maintenance processes that follow. Its requires a good understanding and solving of issues at all levels ranging from information technology issues, through organizational issues up to business and strategic issues, and the ability to rapidly, smoothly and consistently adapt all these.
A number of frameworks and methods have been designed to help managers in aligning business and IT. Recently, novel methods and techniques based on conceptual and enterprise modeling have been proposed to support mutual alignment between business needs and IT solutions.
The overall objective of the workshop is to bring together a larger community (both Information Systems and Information Management) contributing to exploring the benefits, challenges and solutions of business and IT alignment.
Organization of the workshop
The workshop will include:
- Presentations from participants;
- A wrap-up at the end of the day in which observers (nominated persons taking notes during talks) will make a summary of lessons learned (commonalities between presentations, future research challenges, proven solutions, ...).